Kid's Camp T-Shirt Contest Still Accepting Entries

Mark your calendar; July 12th - 16th, for Harbor Hills 15th Annual Kid's Camp. There is still time to submit your original design for this year's official Kid's Camp T-Shirt Contest. The winner will have their shirt design and name printed on all the T-shirts for this years official Kid's Camp.
Kid's Camp is a fun-filled week, devoted to kids ages 6-14, and includes golfing, tennis, cooking, lifeguard supervised swimming, games and crafts. Enrollment is limited to 36 children and open to the public with first preference given to Harbor Hills Golf & Country Club members' children and grandchildren . It is a wonderful opportunity for children who live at Harbor Hills get a chance to meet and make friends with children and grandchildren from all over the United States!
T-shirt designs should be submitted via email to Kim Smith at or dropped off at the clubhouse. Contestants must be enrolled in Kid's Camp 2010 before submitting their original T-shirt designs. The winner will be announced in May and posted on the Kid's Camp blog page.
Kid's Camp 2010 applications, rules for the new T-shirt contest and further information for this year's camp may be found on the Kid's Camp Blog page.
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