Harbor Hills Country Club

Harbor Hills Country Club latest news and event information on Central Florida's finest luxury home golf course community.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

New Hostesses

Today we hired three Hostesses, Debbie Bradley, Judy Warren and Pam Vogt. They will be working as hostesses every day except Thursday (they play golf that day) from 11 to 4 or 5 P.M.

Their job will be to share the experience of living at Harbor Hills with prospects and customers that have already purchased. This is a program similar to one I have used in the past but we are expanding it. It worked very successfully and sure will work great here at Harbor Hills.
They will be available to discuss all aspects of life at Harbor Hills including lifestyle, opportunities, shopping, golf,why they decided to live at Harbor Hills and anything else you or they can think of.

They are not salespeople so they will not be discussing prices and such with customers..
I asked Pam why she bought at HH and she told me because when her and her husband drove through the community everyone waved hi. That's the kind of input these gals can give to our propsects and customers. I think this wil be very useful information to them.